Wearers Of Thongs, G-strings And Sk

In situations where I can't be stark bollock naked showing my body to anyone who's looking I like to wear skimpy, brief and revealing underwear. I like tiny thongs, g-strings, bikinis or jockstraps and the more brief they are the better. See through fabric or clothing that goes transparent and more revealing when wet is also very horny. Wearing these items at the pool or a non nude beach...

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Thongs jock straps

When home have a varity of them really like them no woman panties all men stuff if ur a nude friend and come to my house id answer door in one or be naked

Daring/Extreme Thong. Are you wearing them,...

Hi everyone. I'm quite new on this website. I own a few extreme bikinis from dubiobikinis. I am wearing them only at home, or sometimes as underwear. Love the feeling (when I'm not freeballing). I wish to know where these kind of bikinis can...


I have found that tanga swimsuits work best for me when I can't be totally naked. They are much more comfortable for swimming than either micro-briefs or speedos and sufficiently acceptable for wearing in hotel pools when you can't have a...

Fetish Night at the club

There is a local gay bar that I go to and they have fetish night once a month. There is always a theme but it is not required to be in the theme. It is required to wear a fetish though. I usually try and find the smallest, least amount of clothing....

I have always loved panties but now I'm...

I have always loved panties but now I'm new to mens thongs... Ever since I can remember I have sniffed stolen jerked off in and worn dirty women's panties... The wetter the better... But I've recently bought my first pair of men's...

G-string for men

Hi Just tried a Gstring for men. Felt unsafe and uncofortable. Mybe to cheep from Amazon

Thongs in a public place?

I was driving home nude when my low fuel light came on, I slid on the thong I had worn during the day, reached for my jeans then said 'what the hell' got out of the car, payed at the pump and stood there in just the thong and pumped the gas....

Skimpy underwear

Im always naked but when i go to work i wear underwear because my work pants are rough. Ive been a fan of low rise bikini briefs my entire life. I have a lot of jockstraps that i wear too. Over the past year or so I have been buying and wearing...