The Viewfinder

A forum for sharing high quality photographs, for discussing the creative process of photography and the stories behind the images posted, all from the viewpoint of both subject and photographer.

Pamela's Profile Photos

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To further democracy and equal rights, I think we ought to post our profile photos here - TS prevents free members seeing most profile pics, so we can put that right.
I will start - check this discussion for new posts.

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RE: Pamela's Profile Photos - Third Batch

When I first started posing nude in the photo club studio I was really worried that the photographers might be disgusted if I posed or moved carelessly and let them see too much. It sounds silly now, but at that time I thought nude photography was all about very careful and tasteful artistic poses that didn't reveal very much at all. I had been aware of some recent liberation in attitudes - pubic hair seemed to be creeping onto the scene amidst great excitement, but the idea that the photographers would like it if I posed with my legs open would never have occurred to me. It seemed even more unlikely that they would want me to show off my anus. I remember feeling rather frustrated - I was beginning to feel that my long held of ambition of showing off absolutely everything wasn't going to be achieved, but I stuck with it and gradually came to realise that the photographers were more than happy to help me achieve my ambition. It felt wonderful to pose just the way I wanted. My pubis was always engorged even before I got to the studio so they got really good views of that. I did have some reservations about my vagina because I knew from experience that it was bound to be gaping open, but they took that in their stride as well. Something I couldn't remember in my background (maybe caused by my grandmother!) had made me inhibited about people seeing my anus, but the nice photographers got rid of that lingering phobia for me as well!

This was also in the club but later. When I had first posed nude there had been just a few members who I knew really well. It had been billed as a "portrait session" which had always been seen as really boring and poorly attended. Things just came together that evening - fairly soon I found myself being talked (quite wiilingly!) out of my knickers by a club member old enough to be my father. We repeated it a couple of weeks later, but after a few more sessions the word seemed to get around. One evening I found myself deciding I wasn't going to take my clothes off at all because a particularly disgusting member we called Filthy Phil had got wind and turned up to get in on the act.
That was when I decided to pose only for a hand-picked group, who happened to be three boys about my own age who I had been teaching darkroom skills. The interesting twist to it was that unlike me they were all virgins (I did have doubts about one who seemed to know an awful lot about his sister!). The almost inevitable result of that was that our sessions were concerned just as much with the details and workings of female anatomy as they were with photographing it. My speciality in biology meant I could give them correct information about what I was showing them!

The first topic which came up was was the hoary old one "how do girls pee?" That got our lessons off to a flying start, and if I may use an appropriate aphorism, it also put me on a slippery slope. After showing them my urethra, it was almost inevitable that I would find it necessary to tease my reluctant clitoris out of its hiding place, so that they could eventually surprise their first girlfriends by knowing exactly where to find it. That brings in the slippery bit - what you see in the photo is my rear view after the boys had seen their first female orgasm. I did allow them to take the photo as I was recovering my composure.e
In case you are wondering the slipperiness is all down to me! You can get a good idea of what the boys saw - my fingers got pretty well everywhere.

A relatively rare relaxed view of my pubis - being nude and on display is a big turn on for me!

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RE: Pamela's Profile Photos - Fourth Batch

A sneaky shot in the club studio - a bit unnecessary, really, because this was the time I was beginning to realise that the photo members weren't "purist" nude photographers who believed in their art and always sought truth in composition taste and meaning. The fact was that they wanted to see my cunt and anus just as much as I wanted to show them off.

Spread legs and a well trimmed cunt are a great way to cool down in hot weather

A resting view of my cunt - getting really well-tanned

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RE: Pamela's Profile Photos - Fifth Batch

Relaxing in the days when pubic hair was expected

A hint of a trim around my vagina - just to add a bit of spice to the view

A more radical trim - and my carefully developed pose which allowed me to show off my anus

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RE: Pamela's Profile Photos - Sixth Batch

Photo Club Studio with my small group of photographers

First nude session in the photo club studio. I had a lot to learn about the way my body reacted and what I might be showing off. I loved showing them athletic poses and had assumed that this pose would give a fairly neutral view beteeen my legs with pubic hair dangling down to hide my cunt. When I saw this photo the following week (ah, the days of analogue!) I was really embarrassed about what was showing. The photographer then got embarrassed for me, but I can't deny that I was really pleased with the result.

I love this photo. I had been playing around with pubic trimming and one evening I decided to try a low-slung look - hipster pubes. After shaving off the upper section of my pubic hair there was a very clear addition to the tanlines I had been trying to get rid of during the day - an even whiter patch where my pubic hair had been. I am very glad this photo was taken when it was - a few hours later the dramatic white patch had almost gone.


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RE: Pamela's Profile Photos - Seventh Batch

Photo Club Studio - once I had realised that the club members really wanted me to show them everything, I really got the taste for showing off my anus - having felt for years that it was just me who really enjoyed it, it was a lovely feeling to find that others found it sexy too. I developed a way of possing which allowed me to show this view while lying on my front. Check the discussion board for details

Western France again. This was taken while I was doing a particularly strenuous pelvic floor work out. I thought the photos were sensational - I had no idea how spectcular my cunt looked while I was doing them - I had always had a leotard on before!

Small group in the club studio. The boys loved the hair around my anus, so we agreed on a long-running experiment - I wouldn't shave or trim at all and we would review progress each session. The process of full regrowth took several months - it was winter which made the overspill less of a problem, but school swimming sessions were a bit tricky. I used to jump into the water as quickly as I could, but as the growth expanded, that was not enough to stop the eagle-eyed boys noticing what was happening. I felt a bit embarrassed at first by their comments, but I soon began to enjoy answering them back. I was always a bit of a show off and I really got to enjoy hearing them go on about my pubic hair. Once I had taken the initiative it was very easy to tease them back. I could get them really embarrassed - asking them whether they would like to see the full view, whether I was hairier than their sisters, whether they had ever seen any girl naked.


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RE: Pamela's Profile Photos - Eighth Batch

Small group in the club studio. My tufty rear end afet I had let my hair grow for a couple on months. The boys were stangely fascinated that a girl could be hairy in both front5 and rear views

A graphic display from my first nude studio session for club members

Getting hairier for the small group

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RE: Pamela's Profile Photos - Tenth Batch

With the small group of photographers in the club studio. The boys were fascinated by the hair around my anus once I had let it grow back. Here we are livening up the view with my first ever shop-bought gee-string. I had to keep it well out of sight at home - I didn't want my mother getting suspicious!

Pretty well up to full bush configuration!

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