The Mancave - Male Bonding

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Can You Have Sex With a Straight Buddy, and still be Straight yourself?

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So i'm surfing cams ( because lets face it, amateur couplesare the hottest and more authentic than any porn any day),and im' on Chaturbate and i bump into this one camthat is a couple of straight bros. The story behind these guys: is that they're two straightloggers up in canada got laid off and i guess they were reallybroke. One of them moved in with his buddy and his g/f.Could't find work, so long story short they started messingaround with each other on cam. they're girlfriends are totally aware of whats going on and are supportiveof their endeavors. I identify as straight, and was just watching to see how far these guyswould go. ( oh and they went *all* the way ) and i'm watching and realizingthat i've got a full on raging boner. i found myself turned on by this. they definitely were into the pleasure of it, but they still identify as straightand they prefer to have sex with females but to earn some extra cash theyhave sex with each other. It was obvious for them, they had that male bondingenergy going. The guy on the receiving end, says that he enjoys his anal toysand so when he buddy fucks him its just like a dildo to him. So what do you guys think? is it possible to be straight, completely heterosexualbut be able to function with the same gender as long as it was someone you werevery close to and felt an emotional connection with?

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  • 8 years ago
RE:Can You Have Sex With a Straight Buddy, and still be Straight yourself?

i have a straight friend that meets with me and my bf actually he is more his friend but he enjoys being sucked and his wife won't do it so we take turns of tag team and suck his cock, no he won't suck us but will masturbate and one time he frotted with us and were both ok with that . he also says he's straight and were ok with that too but first time my cock lands in his mouth we'll have to talk afterwards .

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  • 4 years ago
RE: Can You Have Sex With a Straight Buddy, and still be Straight yourself?

I have never understood the concern with labels. If you enjoy something you are still the same person you always were. I guess if I had to wear a label it would be bineutral. I love what feels good but have never had any attraction to men. It they are there and we are playing it is all good. I'm just sexual. My girlfriend and I do massage professionally and indulge some in four hand nude massage. We never care whether it is men or women. Just enjoy. throw away the labels.

Yes! Exactly! Thank you!

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  • 4 years ago
RE: Can You Have Sex With a Straight Buddy, and still be Straight yourself?

So i'm surfing cams ( because lets face it, amateur couplesare the hottest and more authentic than any porn any day),and im' on Chaturbate and i bump into this one camthat is a couple of straight bros. The story behind these guys: is that they're two straightloggers up in canada got laid off and i guess they were reallybroke. One of them moved in with his buddy and his g/f.Could't find work, so long story short they started messingaround with each other on cam. they're girlfriends are totally aware of whats going on and are supportiveof their endeavors. I identify as straight, and was just watching to see how far these guyswould go. ( oh and they went *all* the way ) and i'm watching and realizingthat i've got a full on raging boner. i found myself turned on by this. they definitely were into the pleasure of it, but they still identify as straightand they prefer to have sex with females but to earn some extra cash theyhave sex with each other. It was obvious for them, they had that male bondingenergy going. The guy on the receiving end, says that he enjoys his anal toysand so when he buddy fucks him its just like a dildo to him. So what do you guys think? is it possible to be straight, completely heterosexualbut be able to function with the same gender as long as it was someone you werevery close to and felt an emotional connection with?Sounds hot! Clearly, based on what you describe, men who call themselves heterosexual *can* function sexually with other men (and really enjoy it.)When I eat a meal that doesn't include meat, it's a vegetarian meal even if that's not a label I use for myself.Enjoy what you enjoy.

Yes! Exactly!

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  • 4 years ago
RE:Can You Have Sex With a Straight Buddy, and still be Straight yourself?

RE:Can You Have Sex With a Straight Buddy, and still be Straight yourself?

No, this puts you on the bisexual spectrum. This is object truth not an opinion.

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  • 4 years ago
RE:Can You Have Sex With a Straight Buddy, and still be Straight yourself?

The point at which two men are regularly having sex of any kind is the point at which claims to be purely hetero are being pushed past a reasonable limit. The only reason why someone would want to maintain it is that being gay is stigmatized and the person doesn't want the stigma. The hair splitting about what might really be gay or not is immaterial. Two dudes fucking dudes for the first time don't have any perspective on what gayness may or may not be like. This is like saying sometimes you eat pears but is it ok to say you only eat apples? No.

Yeah, if they're having sex on a regular basis I don't think straight is the right label. Maybe "gay for pay?" Maybe folks are more interested in seeing two "straight" guys getting it on, so it's all marketing.

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  • 4 years ago
RE:Can You Have Sex With a Straight Buddy, and still be Straight yourself?

This is a current trend with some heterosexuals and some gay people now. Many even say that sex between two men isn't sex (I don't know what else you would call it}, "just bonding." Sucking cock and fucking a butt is sex. I'm bi and I had a really hard time getting my straight and gay friends to accept my bisexuality. I actually came out three times in my life: first as a straight man, then as a gay man, and finally I found my true place as a bisexual at about the age of 27. Each time I did this I lost friends and people who I thought loved me. But I had to do this because sex with humans (as opposed to my hand) always invokes feelings for me. So this is kind of a sore point with me. There is one danger here, I think: It is dehumanizing someone by saying they are as good as a dildo or fucking your buddy isn't sex because you will never have feelings for him. Is it a stone-cold mechanical act? And do we deny all other forms of sexuality social or political power because we are so hung up with calling ourselves straight? I'm not sure I want to be in a world where sex is just mechanical and feelings of attraction and affection can't ever come in. I'll leave the detached sex up to hustlers and whores who profit from sex For them it is always transactional and never personal because that's how their business runs. I hate to say it but this kind of talk harkens back to slave owners and tyrants who routinely used people for their sexual satisfaction and had no qualms about it because they regarded these people as subservient to their desires. I may delete this later because I know I will get a lot of flack from this response . My point is just realize what you are doing and the danger you invoke when you start acting like this with others.

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  • 4 years ago
RE:Can You Have Sex With a Straight Buddy, and still be Straight yourself?

Well said. I'd rather enjoy being with someone male or female than just using them for my own gratification. I also don't want to be used for someone else just to get off.

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  • 4 years ago
RE:Can You Have Sex With a Straight Buddy, and still be Straight yourself?

I just think this proves sexuality is fluid, and the only thing that matters is how people self-identify. Reading the thread, I can see how a lot of people already understand that there are more factors than simply getting off that determines your sexuality. The way I see it, even if you think a person is closeted, everyone deserves the agency to come out when they are in a safe environment or feel ready. Like yeah, I hear the argument against closeted people that are homophobic, but like, there are a lot of gay people that are homophobic believe it or not. I just think minding anyone else's sexuality, no matter the context, is unproductive. Letting "self-identifying" straight people have sex with people of the same gender doesn't hurt anyone, doesn't make them any less of a man or a woman. Something important to know is that this isn't even a new thing. Men historically, both gay and straight, were much closer to each other and intimacy with other men wasn't a big deal until recent generations started becoming afraid of that. And there was a time where the concept of the word "gay" or "homosexual" didn't even exist!

This post was edited 4 years ago
  • 4 years ago
RE:Can You Have Sex With a Straight Buddy, and still be Straight yourself?

My question is, why is this important, and why is bending the category past breaking a good idea? These are larger questions than what one or two guys decide their identities are. I'll be blunt about how I grew up. In no imagined world was anyone going to say that straight means sex with men. That wasn't even a consideration. The major social organizations and the psychiatric and medical professions were not going to accept that either. The massive social shift that has occurred for all men is because of out gay men and a smaller portion of bi men and no appreciable number of straight men (str8 women on the other hand did show up, as did transfolks) getting the crap knocked out of them, risking their careers, and fighting hard. I know, I was there. Our reward for this hard work was Reagan choosing to let HIV get out of control and kill millions. You read that right, HIV could have been stopped but Ronnie let it go because he wanted us all dead. It's a bit hard to get past, that one. Str8 men are still not showing up for any of the heavy lifting, just so you know. So when the crisis gets managed, and the fight for the right to live free of persecution is nearly over, and it is safer that ever for men who are into men to have discrete, safe, and socially acceptable (way way way more than ever before) sex with each other, the concern is preserving one's heterosexuality while having the sex that someone else fought for but not calling it that. And you know what? I didn't fight for our rights because I wanted to force anyone into anything. I did it because it was the right thing to do, so I am not now going to prescribe for anyone their sexuality or orientation. But from the perspective I have, the questions that are concerned with the preservation of heteosexuality kind of infer that the alternatives aren't desirable. And that's not cool in my books. Do I think that men can have sex with each other and stay pretty much hetero. Sure, and I know a couple. You also know, like every other man who discovers m2m after a certain point, that it feels and tastes and binds you up and spins you around, and in my experience , the guys who casually hit it once in a while or once or twice, Kinsey 9's and 10's. If you do it often, think write watch etc represenations of m2m sex, and this is ongoing for years, and still want to call youself str8, that to me would be a stretch, and the question becomes why and how is that healthy? My last question is, in this scenario, you're worried about being queered by your straight buddy, you will question your own sexuality in this but you assume his. How do you know he's str8? Your only hard evidence of the sex he likes is your own experience.

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  • 4 years ago
RE:Can You Have Sex With a Straight Buddy, and still be Straight yourself?

Your post intrigued me. I don't think it is as cut and dry as you suggest. I personally thoroughly enjoy the intimacy when there is an emotional attachment and that is my preference. However that does not discount the pure physical enjoyment of random sex. I now identify as bisexual however when I was in my 20's I would 'allow' guys to suck me but never reciprocate because then I could maintain my 'straight' status. Now, as I said, sex is much more enjoyable if you have a connection with the person but I still would not turn down a BJ from a glory hole. Keep in mind, there are some, for whatever reason, enjoy providing anonymous sex. I guess the bottom line is if it feels good, do it. By the eway, I have never paid for sex. That is another discussion.

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  • 4 years ago