Tactile Nudists

For anyone who likes to touch and be touched, be it loving, sensual or sexual.

Hey everyone

Just joined the group. I too love to be touched and certainly love TO touch. lol Hope to hear from some of you

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Accommodation in Madrid

If you travel to Madrid this is your apartment: https://www.airbnb.es/rooms/14909112?preview=&%3Bsug=50&sug=50

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New member

Hey all, love touching and being touch. The touch has some great healing and stress relieving properties. I hope to be on more after I get my wifi hooked up on this coming Friday!

nude beach

love being at the nude beach being a little to wide open and someone approaches you and just cant help them selves mm omg hot

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Remote encouragement

A little while back a friend on Skype got me to gently move my fingertips over my body pretending they were his. He told me just where "his" hands wee moving to. Starting at my chest "he" worked gently down my body, past my groin...

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Guys Playtime

Is there anyone on here who is in the north TX area and is interested in getting together for some fun in a group setting?

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Let's talk about endurance.

I know many guys out there who are virgins will not last very long in bed. It's a tough thing to do to try and last a long time. Now how long can you last?

I am BI

I am BI I am BI hi guys sorry to be in your group. But I love to be nude with old people whether male or female. Love to do nude chatting with old folks. My yahoo id is crazyabhi3879

Is it a public Taboo?

Other discussion threads refer to "consenting adults" and "Look but don't touch" at a nudist venue but... in general ... is it really necessary to have those caveats/warnings? ... Why do you think so many people try to avoid...

This is what I believe nudism should be....

Touching and being close to the people you love, whether through hugs, kissing, or more. That's what I think nudism (naturism) lacks. They don't even want to have a discussion about sex. For fear of being called out by those outside of the...