Straight Playmates
A place for all straight oriented swingers, sex lovers, exhibitionists, daring nudists; straight males and females, straight couples.All straight, all natural, all as explicit as you like; text, photo, it here.
Hi everyone. Im looking for friends to hang out with and have some fun. Im usually free most evenings and weekends. I hope I can find some fun friends
Can you explain how you suck a cock?? What all are the art happens to a dick inside your mouth? How you pressure or slap or bite a cock tip with your tongue??
Although few women would, even when intoxicated. I, strip, for ladies or co-ed groups, at public, or at a private venues, without hesitation, and simply pose or be as erotic or exhibitionist as the ladies request... I, of course, solicit each of the...
Always on the lookout for single gals or couples that want to hang out and have fun. Large home on 2 acres to entertain on as well as a 30' cabin cruiser and no crew. Let's have some fun this summer!
I enjoy prolonged sexercise events; I have several lovely fit female casual sex partners. When we hook-up, our goals are to sustain, for as long as possible, and then cum as many times as possible. Take a short break, and then, repeat. We make it...
Join group: "straight playmates". Currently, the only way to find it with group search is to type in name: straight playmates, and do not check any other search parameters. The group is functional! If you are interested in this group...
user name is bodyworks2010. I'm life-long nudist, with exhibitionist style, and long time member of "trueswingers, and "truenudist". Being straight and very sexually minded, I joined this site after it was established. I have been...
Straight Playmates This is a place for you. Please feel free to post what you like, with in the group rules, and of course, with in the site rules. Posts are "public" bodyworks2010