Scrotum Stretching

A group for those men who like to stretch their scrotums to get nice low hanging balls. No blank profiles.

I'm new to the group. I live in Phoenix, and I have taken Testosterone injections for about 16 years. For those of you out there who have no experience with the side effects of Testosterone it really shrinks your testicles!! It has really shrunk mine, to the point of embarrassment. I used to have pretty decent sized balls, now my right ball is almost non existent and my left ball is about the size of a walnut. There is nothing medically that I can do about it, except have testicular implants put in but those are not covered by insurance for cosmetic purposes.
So what I'm looking for is advise and some help in where to start. I've always been intrigued by ball stretchers, but I don't have much to hold them there...? Does anyone want to take me under their wing and help me out? Maybe you have some old stretchers that you started off with way back when that you don't use anymore? I am married to my partner of 32 years we are nudists and can always host so if you can help me out we can always get together here.

I'm really serious about this, I'm a nudist and nudists are very body positive, but most of the time it doesn't look like I have any balls. I am motivated to do something about this. I hope someone can help me.

Many thanks

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Hi Mark, Im starting to experience some of those symptoms from using that testosterone my right ball is not hanging like my left one. Keep me posted if you find out something to correct this issue.

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