Pierced Genitals

Group for those with pierced genitals. both male and female. Also for those who admire those piercings.

Frenum Piercing

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Found a picture from a couple of years ago. It is a frenum piercing and since I didn't really have a frenulum it went thru the foreskin in the same spot the frenulum would have been.
The good thing is that there was plenty of skin so I don't have to worry about it later pulling out.

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RE:Frenum Piercing

I pierced my frenum some years ago. I was able to upgrade it with bigger inserts quite quickly. It tore out. I cut off the flap and inserted another piercing in what was left, this time being more careful with the upgrade. But again it tore out. By the time I'd tided it up I'd cut away my entire frenum.

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