Pierced Genitals

Group for those with pierced genitals. both male and female. Also for those who admire those piercings.

Enlarging my PA

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I've followed advice to upgrade my PA slowly and not to force it. So it has been a long process. My original PA was at 1.6mm (14 gauge), done around12 April 2017. I had no difficulty upgrading it to 2mm (12g), then 3mm, then 3.2mm (8g) over a matter of weeks. After that things slowed down. Upgrade to 4mm (6g) took me a few months and 5mm (3g) upgrade was on 24 July 2018, all of 15 months after the initial piercing. I've only recently (10 Feb 2019) upgraded to 6mm (3g), some 6 1/2 months later (and almost 2 years after the initial piercing.

It does feel chunky now. The weight gently stimulates my cock and it rattles on the heavy piercing at the base of my sack when I walk.

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  • 6 years ago
RE:Enlarging my PA

My heavy PA got noticed on TV's Ch4 Naked Attraction. They showed very close close-ups of my PA and therefore my bits. And now I'm due to appear on Naked Attraction Best Naughty Bits (UK TV Ch4 13 April 10pm).

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  • 3 years ago
RE:Enlarging my PA

Thanks for the information, I'll make sure I record it - will be good to see you on there

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  • 3 years ago

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