Nude Musicians And Actors
A group for musicians and actors who are nudists/exhibitionists. Some of us have performed nude. Lets share our experiances and dreams.
Just enjoy playing my music in the nude in my music room. Nothing better 3 years ago
I have been exploring Clothing Optional Theatre for some years pre-covid. I had great fun managing a naked audience for the London production of Hair. Now I am seeing how to balance my TS life and my theatre life - without too many incidents.... 3 years ago
I have been in film and on stage off and on since the mid-1960s. While serving 20yrs in the military I did a few spots when I could fit them in with my duties. Upon retirement I became active in several media groups and centered on background... 4 years ago
I had the opportunity to be the DJ at a Nudist resort on a few different occasions. When I mention this to some of my textile friends, they always ask 'did you get naked too?' Of course I did. One of my most memorable times DJing there was... 5 years ago
I perform in swinger/naturists clubs..great audience though I don't seem to sell many cd's as they don't have pockets to carry money 6 years ago
I've done some acting in some Indy films but no nude as yet. I do nude art modeling and have also done nude karoake at a resort before. I'd be willing to be nude in a play or movie if anyone needs experienced actor 7 years ago
As a semi-retired actor I can pick and choose when I want to audition for a part. A short time ago, I received a call from a Casting Director. They had viewed my profile/portfolio on one of the networking sites and noted that I had indicated nudity... 7 years ago
I have been a drama/music teacher all my career and have seen many top play in London and locally on tour that have nude scenes like My Night With reg.....Equuas... Hair etc Often wonder what it would be like to be naked on stage but not in my own... 10 years ago
I was in the cast of Love! Valour! Compassion! several years ago and full nudity was required. I have no problem being nude in front of my male friends at all. But kinda freaked out at the thought of being naked onstage in front of an audience with... 11 years ago
by hrdwdwkr 11 years ago
We are casting for The StockholdersMeeting, a World Premiere show we arepresenting at the San Francisco Fringe Theater Festival in September.We also acting in the show We need a cast!!!Female, age 18-25, possible nudity;lady victimized by corporate... 12 years ago