Naked Cocktails

Goes from 0 to naked in 1.5 drinks, People who social drinking with others find it more enjoyable naked. Gatherings or parties or simply nude cocktail at home at the end of the day on cam.

Found this one in our Sunday paper Parade magazine
"it's a Wonderful Life"
3 oz Half & Half
1.5 oz Irish Cream
.5 oz creme de menthe
Ground cinnamon for garnish

Fill an old fashion glass halfway with ice. Combine Half & Half, Irish Cream and creme de menthe in an ice filled shaker. Shake until cold. Pour into the prepared glass. Dust with the ground cinnamon
I'll end with"Enjoy"

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  • 4 years ago
RE:Holiday Drink

I just made a batch... It was delicious. Both my Wife and I gave it t thumbs up. I increased the ratio of Irish Cream and Creme de Menth.
Also, the ground cinnamon, my opinion, not a value added

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  • 4 years ago