Morrigan's Lovers.....

Hi, NEW THREAD OPENED IN THE DISCUSSIONS... LET'S CONTRIBUTE :) Hi there, this group is open to anyone who fell in love with Morrigans... We think she is by far the sexiest lady here on TS m If you agree with the above, then join us! Dear Morrigans, this is a tribute to you... Ready to fly there to love you in the sweetest/wildest way! Alma

Thoughts and feelings for Morrigan...

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Here's a new thread I would like the whole community to contribute...When you look at Morrigan's picture, what do you think??Just do not answer with a Kamasutra position... This would be too easy.Morrigan for sure is able to inspire much more...I am thrilled by the irresistible cocktail she represents perfectly: tenderness and joyful sexual life with total consciousness....

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More friends than lovers

I see Morrigan, You have nearly 700 friends and "only" 98 lovers. That is still going some, though. You must be worn out!
Not that I'm a bit surprised with such nubile tallent.

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RE: More friends than lovers

99? to me it says 94.. :)

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RE: More friends than lovers

99? to me it says 94.. :)'s right...only 94....good choice for nickname.....''sharp-eye''

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RE: More friends than lovers

Now then, fellow lovers, lets not fall out over this. Just form an orderly queue. Does the 100th get a prize?

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