Morrigan's Lovers.....

Hi, NEW THREAD OPENED IN THE DISCUSSIONS... LET'S CONTRIBUTE :) Hi there, this group is open to anyone who fell in love with Morrigans... We think she is by far the sexiest lady here on TS m If you agree with the above, then join us! Dear Morrigans, this is a tribute to you... Ready to fly there to love you in the sweetest/wildest way! Alma

Lets hear it for Morrigan

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Lets vote: who wants Morrigan to join the group and share in our descussions, maybe even upload some photos for us to addor?
I'm a yes.

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RE: Lets hear it for Morrigan

To be honest with you, this was my first request...
She said that would not be a good idea as she would find it awkward.

We are a yes too...
if you want to help, send her a request in pvt.

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RE: Lets hear it for Morrigan

Great, She joined. Welcome Morrigon

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RE: Lets hear it for Morrigan

This is an interesting twist. A gallery of Morrigan's lovers. Great idea, I'll add one. But as a fan-club lets admit that the one we all really want to see is the lady herself - Morrigan

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RE: Lets hear it for Morrigan

This is an interesting twist. A gallery of Morrigan's lovers. Great idea, I'll add one. But as a fan-club lets admit that the one we all really want to see is the lady herself - MorriganDear Ollygrump,You've got it... In 2 lines you've expressed the whole philosophy behind the idea!Sharp-eye is also partially correct... We did not ask her permission... As all those that have created a fan club of a baseball or soccer player and so...We feel so in love with this lady that we wanted to create a fan group.We would love this to be a temple of Morrigan that we see an AMAZINGLY TRUE AND JOYFUL LADY!We admire Morrigan not just as a lady but as a couple... From her profile, it's pretty clear that both parties are involved and share the same feelings and degree of freedom... something to be really envious even though we are not (envious).
So, all above was the idea, we respect sharp-eye but definitely if Morrigan want to upload pictures, she will be ore than welcome... Ideally we would love to see her/their pictures here. But as everything is relative and nothing is absolute... We are open to see some more! But please, in a temple, you post and pray your divinity... not yourself!
Respect and love to all memebers here!

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RE: Lets hear it for Morrigan

Well,I have to say that I am not offended(who would be?:D) by those who created the group because they are very nice and honest people,they created the group only from an appreciation and I understood this and more:it was an honor to me.
There it is in Morrigan's own words (see #7 above). So lets drop this argument an do what we joined this goup to do.

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RE: Lets hear it for Morrigan

Ok guys... Let's consider this issue closed and let's start focusing on our beloved in the new thread...Thanks you all...Alma

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