Car jacking
Return to DiscussionsI've only ever done it when driving solo, but I've enjoyed it many times. It makes the miles go by so pleasantly on what would have otherwise been a boring long-distance drive. I've never been seen that I know of, and have never seen anyone else doing it on a highway, even though I've looked for it. It would also have been great fun to catch someone at it. Maybe I still will.
Here's to cruise control!
I've jacked off countless times going down the highway. Both from the driver's seat and the passenger seat. My wife used to drive sometimes on long road trips, and I'd jack off. I've got a lot of stories about it. I don't do it in town because of congestion, and I don't want anybody calling the police. Out on a desert highway it's a lot easier to do. One of the great things about the Southwest.
I did enjoy it for a bit today and on days when I know I get the house to myself. It's a great time to edge. I remember pulling into my driveway once and my neighbor was just getting in her car. I had to quick put my cock away before she saw me but it was exhilarating.
I love a good long road trip. I jack for hours on and off. Donald ducking it with my cock out but a shirt on. Especially love giving truckers a show while passing on the highway. Had on trucker give me the thumbs up one time and then followed me close passing back and worth for the next hour on the highway until I hit the exit. I think he was jacking too! Nothing like the open road and your cock in your hand.
For as much as I drive totally nude, I am surprised that I dont entertain my dick more. I am often readjusting and of course access could not be easier. I try to limit distractions when I drive, so maybe drinking and eating and following GPS is as much as I can handle at 65 mph. Might be worth turning off the GPS, hmmm.