Men Who Have Sex With Male Friends
This is for men who enjoy having sex with their male friends. Just for sex and sexual pleasure which doesnt mean you are bi or gay but more like a male bonding.
curious how many straight guys admit to having gay sex
Return to Discussionsas a gay guy i have had some great sex with straight guys, and am curious how many of u st8 guys can admit to having gay sex???? and did you enjoy
- 2 years ago
Not sure how many times one has to say this, straight men do NOT have sex with other men, they are delusional or simply cannot admit the truth that they are not straight.
I think this is a bit too much. Of course the definition is strictly as youre describing it. But no word has fully definitive boundaries. If theres a forced experience or drug induced experience brain damage or emotional distress, societal pressure or sex work thats purely for economic reasons, how much gay sex is it that has to happen to make it to not straight anymore? Our lives are not one point in time and our identities are fluid and evolving in time and space. Im sure that people will think that my experience with women is making me bisexual but I dont identify as bisexual. Im identifying as gay for personal reasons and political reasons but if Im being honest I shouldnt be dismissing that same grey area in the straight areas of the spectrum. Its up to the individual to decide what they want to use as an indentification. We cant just decide for others. That said theres a serious honesty deficiency in much of the discourse here and lots of men are just plain pulling the wool over the issue for reasons that are primarily valid stigma feeling lesser than and being used to deception in presenting themselves. Others have a legitimate reason to believe that they are straight and they are not all wrong lying or just confused about it. They look at the totality of their lives and they select the term they think represents almost everything they are. This doesnt mean that he is fking dudes regularly every day year and decade or even infrequently. Its not honest to say that this isnt significant but it is also not a choice for me to make. Finally the labels nonsense. The terms used in describing identities are not labels. A label is a descriptor for an object that is not precise but adequate and its commercial in origin. Peaches. Wax. Insurance Policy Certificate. These are not human beings nor are they rich in the same way that identity is. If you think these terms are simply labels you should put on or take off your jar of peaches then you havent grasped the meaning of the words. Identity reaches much deeper than that. If its not so for you then its not an important part of your understanding or need to understand yourself. This is not the standard or benchmark that we should be looking to. It allows for the erasure of the marginalized populations as they always have been and it provides cover for the men who have decided to leave their political selves in the shadows and excluded in this is what the normative culture marginalizes the identity that is elided by saying that we should ignore identity is not the normative straight cisgender identity. Its the rest of them. It doesnt help anyone who is out and wants to be themselves openly and publicly. Rather it just makes places for hidden meanings and an artificially distorted perception of what these people are actually doing and what they are being. In essence claiming the sexual orientation and territory of others without any real struggle or commitment. As the rhetoric of the right has been totally homophobic and they have announced that they are going to try to eradicate us all in the gay lesbian trans community etc the time for us to stop pretending that we should just ignore the issues that men who will not stand up for their rights to have sec with other men and will deny any affiliation with the gay community is over. Hiding behind the heterosexual mask is not acceptable in a moral sense but its not unreasonable or unexpected as we lose ground to the right wing homophobes who are not affecting the hidden queer identities but who have been attacking the gay community and the trans community outright. It is still a choice and it will be taken with many other consequences for those who have no choice but to fight for their rights and freedoms. But it will also have consequences for those who will not express solidarity with those who they are not willing to accept as part of their own lives as I am certain that history will show. To fall to stand up for human rights in the face of such oppression is cowardice and injustice. The most of you are probably thinking that this is overly critical and too much of a drama and that it is not anything near the point of a serious destruction and erasure. But the reality is that they have said that they will be doing this to the gay and lesbian communities. It is not a good idea to pretend that it will stop there. We are all in danger of being wiped off our rights and freedoms by a fascistic political movement that has no legitimate purpose other than to destroy lives. Im sorry for the inconvenience but it will get worse before it gets better if we dont stand up
- 8 months ago
Sexual identity for a male can be different from what he does sexually. Gay men have a hard time understanding this because they are only attracted to males. Sexuality and gender are not black and white, either/or. If you can't understand that and accept that, then you need to do some research. Opinions should be based on fact not feeling. That's my 2 cents worth
- 8 months ago