Male-only 3-somes
This is a group for those guys who have experienced (or would like to experience) a male-only 3some. Share your stories, tips, fantasies and pics of those fun times between 3 mates..!
SEWiscBareJacks Yahoo! Group South East Wisconsin BareJacks Wednesday September 26th Day Party Wednesday September 26, 2012 11:00 am - 3:00 pm Delavan, Wisconsin We would like to remind you of this upcoming event. Date: Wednesday...
A reminder that there will be a Video Club party this Saturday, September 15th, from 8:00 PM - 2:00 AM. Upstairs we will be showing "Weekend" (A one-night-stand develops into a weekend-long idyll. An invaluable snapshot of contemporary...
Reminder from: SEWiscBareJacks Yahoo! Group Title: South East Wisconsin BareJacks Saturday September 22th Date: Saturday September 22, 2012 Time: 7:00 pm - 11:00 pm Location: Delavan, Wisconsin Notes: We would like to remind you of this...
Subject: Reminder: Video Club Party on Saturday, September 1st A reminder that there will be a Video Club party this Saturday, September 1st, from 8:00 PM - 2:00 AM. Upstairs we will be showing "August" (the story of a gay love... Title: Last thursday afterwork play party 4:30pm, Madison, Wis. Date: Thursday August 30, 2012 Time: 4:30 pm - 8:00 pm Location: madison, wis Notes: just A reminder of the afterwork play party for men...
Video Club Party on Saturday, August 18th A reminder that there will be a Video Club party this Saturday, August 18th, from 8:00 PM - 2:00 AM. Upstairs we will be showing "Blue Briefs" (This brilliant, engrossing and emotional new...
Title: Third friday Daytime play party starting 10am Date: Friday August 17, 2012 Time: 10:00 am - 2:00 pm Notes: Reminder of the mens play party this coming friday starting at 10am running until 2pm check out the web site for any information...
Just posted a new blog on my profile about a 3some experience I had last week.
I live in Goa India... But from UK.... I need to visit the UK for a few weeks to get a new passport and visa for India. Singles, Couples, Straight, Bi, Gay, any age, Willing to help around the house and willing to pay in kind with lots of loads &...