Male Anal Pleasure

A group for all guys who enjoy giving and / or receiving male anal pleasure, whether its self pleasuring during masturbation, anal rimming or full-on anal sex with another male! Let's share pleasure tips, anal sex stories and pics if you have! :0)

Ass scent while masturbating..

Hey buddies, Ok i have this habit of fingering my ass while i masturbate and often sniff my fingers and its works as a huge turn on. I get the urge of stroking it more and often after i have fingered my ass nicely i like to rub it on my nipples and...

Male Play Party

Reminder from: SEWiscBareJacks Yahoo! Group Title: South East Wisconsin BareJacks Saturday September 22th Date: Saturday September 22, 2012 Time: 7:00 pm - 11:00 pm Location: Delavan, Wisconsin Notes: We would like to remind you of this...

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Opening up

I'm interested to hear guys thoughts about the best way to relax the anus for penetration ..... what are the best methods? Poppers, anal relaxing creams (based on local anaesthetics)? A good rimming or fingering ..... a good enema or just...

Male Video Club Party

Subject: Reminder: Video Club Party on Saturday, September 1st A reminder that there will be a Video Club party this Saturday, September 1st, from 8:00 PM - 2:00 AM. Upstairs we will be showing "August" (the story of a gay love...

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All Male Last Thursday afterwork play party Title: Last thursday afterwork play party 4:30pm, Madison, Wis. Date: Thursday August 30, 2012 Time: 4:30 pm - 8:00 pm Location: madison, wis Notes: just A reminder of the afterwork play party for men...

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Video Club Party

Video Club Party on Saturday, August 18th A reminder that there will be a Video Club party this Saturday, August 18th, from 8:00 PM - 2:00 AM. Upstairs we will be showing "Blue Briefs" (This brilliant, engrossing and emotional new...

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Third Friday Daytime Play party

Title: Third friday Daytime play party starting 10am Date: Friday August 17, 2012 Time: 10:00 am - 2:00 pm Notes: Reminder of the mens play party this coming friday starting at 10am running until 2pm check out the web site for any information...

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Anal pleasure toys and lubrication

So guys, which toys are out there specifically designed for male anal pleasuring..? I know that a new toy is out there that curves upward for the specific purpose of stimulating the Prostate ( our "G" spot ! ) - does anyone know more about...

this makes me exciting always:-)

my bf likes backdoor plays so much. we always begin making love by fingering each others backdoor... nowadays i started to fuck him w lots of big toys and he really liked to be fucked. i m thinking to find a big cocked transsexual for him as a...

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