Love Too Masturbate
People Who Enjoy Too Masturbate.Tell Their Masturbation Stories and All the Places where they have Masturbate.
How early did you start to masturbate?
Return to DiscussionsI started masturbating right after puberty set in. As a late bloomer than was at 15 years old. By that time, I was already a freshman in high school where the boys did swim class in the nude. I was amazed at the differences of pre and post puberty bodies. Many had longer penises than me because I was just starting puberty. I was always looking and comparing. When I masturbated, I would think of those boys and dream of girls joining in for a naked orgy. At that time, I masturbated at least once per day, usually in the bathroom but occasionally outside in the warm summer night when no one was around. I think my record was three orgasms in one day. Hardly a record setting event but it felt so good. Now, I masturbate a couple of times a week, trying to hold back for bigger, more impressive loads. Would love to hear other's stories.
I think it was the summer between 6th and 7th grade when a couple of my school friends walked by when I was sitting on the front steps of my house. They told me about how good it feels when you rub your dick and then a white stuff comes out. I was really uninformed about sex and my body functions. I had noticed that it felt good when I rubbed my dick against the sheets at night. With their explanation I carried it though to my first orgasm. Whew. Became a daily activity for many years.