Intelligent People

This group is for intelligent men and those who appreciate them. The intent is for people who consider life beyond the trivialities. Both men and women are welcome to join.

I believe that both major parties in the US are both partially to blame for the rise of Trump. Republicans should keep watch on him to make sure that he is not overstepping his bounds and following the constitution because what ever he does reflects on them. Both parties need to work together on issues. Otherwise, someone can't rail against something like affordable heath care then announce the he/she will keep part of it.
Please, avoid letting a candidate muck rack and call other candidate names like a child would in elementary school.
Ted Crus should never be allowed to be in politics partially because he recently said that the appointment of a supreme justice would be blocked until there was a republican president. That seems unconstitutional to me.
I am posting this to both groups, Intelligent Women andIntelligent Men, since these thing should be discussed by both genders... I am sick of railing against this election, so I hope others will pick this up.

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RE: accountability

Please, if you agree with anything that I have written, bring it to the right forum: write your congressperson, articles for the news media, and/or twitter.

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ur right... and im exhausted too... this election has been unique in many ways, and more intense than most... the multi-media roar of campaign rhetoric scared and polarized more people than during and after any election since 1968, but this year it often seemed like it was mainly about legislated morality in a bizarre escalation of incendiary personal insults, and rarely about real issues...
yeah, im exhausted this year, but in not scared... trump was smart enuff to see a lot of people who voted for obama felt left behind, and he was smart enuff to use outrageous hyperbole to get their attention and their votes... yeah, trump is gonna 'drain the swamp' and shake things up, but he's also smart enuff to bring in a lot of smart people to help like ronald reagan did... folks were scared in 1968 and in 1980, and the sun's still gonna rise again tomorrow... !

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it occurs to me that few here now may remember much about the us election in 1968... among other things, in just four months between march and july, lyndon johnson decided not to run again after water chronkite said on the air (after the evening news on cbs time he paid for himself) that the us govt was lying about progress in the war, robert kennedy and martin luther king were killed, george wallace was shot and crippled, and chicago police attacked college kids demonstrating at the democratic convention...
none of that happened this year.... no democratic candidates or inspirational leaders were shot and killed during this election cycle... and no tear gas burned my eyes and lungs, and i didnt feel any clubs i couldnt see when cops rioted in chicago... and btw, WE were in the streets BEFORE the election... when it might have made a difference... whats up with all these dumb clowns out there chanting and marching now...? lol and oh yeah, trump's offensive language is tame compared to nixon on oval office transcripts, and clinton did more than just talk about his interns...
this forum content will now be returned to ur normal healthy naked lifestyle perversions....;)

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