I Love Watching Gay Porn
If you like to watch Gay porn, join this group and share your favourite porn sites with us ! Especially want to know about free sites, and also nudist gay porn (i.e. where the actors are naked throughout the video).
Love Sharesome.com - my nick there same as here, gayplace
I'd like to hear from local guys to me in this group
gayforit.eu is an excellent site with some longer running clips. Let me know what you think.
I like to watch youporngay.com. I like those that have bondage, gangbang & shaving.
I am new here Just wanted to drop a line or two. Love gay porn as well as all porn ....Porn is like a Religion to me... Wouldn't it be great to have a PORN Church were we all worship naked together watching and making porn movies. Love to get...
Hi, I'm new to the Group... I would love to be in a Gay Video.
https://m.gaytube.com/ https://m.tube8.com/video/browse_gay https://mobile.manhub.com/
I feel like a porn star on cam here having people here watch. The most I had watch me was over 50 people when my wife was sucking me and the we had sex here on cam so I felt like a porn star. How about you what is your story