I Love Soft Sex

for all people who love soft sex... (love to kiss, love to touch, love to give massage, love to feel, ...)

What for soft sex you like mostly?

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  • 6 years ago
RE:soft sex

Hello there, I just joined the group, SOFT SEX, I like it and there's many forms of sex, I have a Str8t nudist friend, we get together to talk, eat, watch a film or music, and in the conversation body or sexual topics come out, is very nice to talk, touch to compare or to show.
I like that a lot and with him I don't need more, he is a natural str8 male so I like it like that.

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  • 5 years ago
RE:soft sex

As a Natural Straight Man, I enjoy looking deeply into my lovers and romantically describing the night planned and seeing it unfold in her mind...sort of making love to her mind before I connect with her body .

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  • 5 years ago