I Love Penis
the title says it all! this is a group for men and women who enjoy or love in any way that wonderful male body part. no matter what you call it, this is the group to be in! pics and discussions are welcomed and encouraged
Caught eyeballing anothers cock
Return to DiscussionsDid you ever get caught admiring another guys appendage..say in a shower, sauna, locker room etc.
I love to see the different sizes, shapes and colors..especially since I've developed a porch roof over mine, I only get to see it in the mirror.
- 13 years ago
I was in my 20's and went to a country bar. I had to piss so I went into the men's room. There were two urinals there. Shortly after I started pissing two other guys walked in. One stood at the urinal while his friend waited. I glanced over at the guy's cock and he noticed it. He told his friend, "This queer here is checking out my dick." They both beat me up and left me laying on the floor. When I recovered I went out and heard them telling the other people in the bar about the queer in the bathroom. I ran out the backdoor to avoid any further confrontation. That was a long time ago and quicly learned to be more discrete, but I still do check out the other guys.
- 13 years ago
I wear dark sunglasses so I don't normally get caught! Ha! I do often in nudist venues have men ask me about being uncircumcised, what it is like, etc. Always glad to chat about foreskins or the penis.
- 13 years ago
The sinks in the lockerroom at my gym are located opposite the lockers. There is also a floor length mirror opposite the entrance to the showerroom. I often stand in shave and brush my hair using the mirrors which gives me a great view of all the cocks in the lockerroom and coming out of the shower without giving myself away.
- 13 years ago
Even straight mencom-pair . They are very discreet while doing so. A very long time ago a men,s rest room ,at a bar or pub, theurinal would be a longtroth with a flush handle at the end. This way you would not have towait to piss . Also it the owners would only have to have one. This style islargely known in Europe , asEuropeans do not have the hang-up,s we continue to have hear in the USA. I have seen a line of men in Germany at this style urinal, and checking each other out. I asked a friend about this and he told me than nothing was going on that they were onlycomparing. There were no hang-up,s , as we in America havetoughs ill minded hang-up,s
Most of us men in America are so afraid of beingcaughtcomparing , or so terrified that another man isgoingto see them that there shame and lack of class , and lack of education that they go to the toilets and not the urinals. The StupidBastards Piss All Over The Seat. The Jack Asses Are Too Lazy To Wipe The Seat, And Too Stupid To Flush.
How did this happen ? We hear in the USA. never had this problem. We swam nude at the YMCA. and skinny dipped at alocalpond or river. It was no big deal then . We hadcommunity showers at the Gym,s School,s and Truck Stop,s . I think we are sadly going back in time to the Victorian era .
- 13 years ago
I just came back from a holiday where I went on long naked walks with another guy. He has a lovely ass and a bigger cock than me. But when we needed a pee he would go off out of sight and expect me to do the same. In the end I just stood there in full view and peed, saying we see it all the time in the Gent's loos.
- 13 years ago
I agree. The young are so afraid of being seen nude. What a fright?
- 13 years ago
I was in my 20's and went to a country bar. I had to piss so I went into the men's room. There were two urinals there. Shortly after I started pissing two other guys walked in. One stood at the urinal while his friend waited. I glanced over at the guy's cock and he noticed it. He told his friend, "This queer here is checking out my dick." They both beat me up and left me laying on the floor. When I recovered I went out and heard them telling the other people in the bar about the queer in the bathroom. I ran out the backdoor to avoid any further confrontation. That was a long time ago and quicly learned to be more discrete, but I still do check out the other guys.
Hey Louis, that is really unfortunate and a couple of homophobe rednecks. If only they could see how big you get when erect they would have envy. I think it is men who have bigger penis envy so Freud was off on that. I don't even look when I am at the urinal. When I am with bisexual and gay for naked Minnesota, then it is fun to compare.
- 13 years ago
Admit it. When you're with a nude man don't you keep glancing at his cock? I do. But I'm always nude too so he can look at mine. With permission we touch and more.
- 13 years ago
Did you ever get caught admiring another guys appendage..say in a shower, sauna, locker room etc.I love to see the different sizes, shapes and colors..especially since I've developed a porch roof over mine, I only get to see it in the mirror.
I have always loved it, and I think in the right setting its to be encouraged. I also love showing mine off.
- 2 years ago
jr high and high school gang showers weather straight ,queer, homo lol back than yeah the term bi or gay didn't exist but we all looked at each other i remember wet towel fights and lots of hard cocks so who wouldn't look. fast forward to the Y and open showers and more discreet looking but we all looked . and nudist resorts weather coed or gay don't believe the BS about keeping eye contact lol.. nothing wrong with looking some even enjoy touching.
- 2 years ago