Free Thinkers

For anyone without prejudices, happy to learn from other's experiences and try anything at least once.

Why do naturists object to seeing the call of nature? It is one of the most natural things we do. Even the Pope and his celibate brethren urinate. Anyone out on a long hike will, sooner or later, feel the need to water the vegetation. I was on a big nude hike last summer which was being filmed for a documentary. When I went to relieve myself the camera crew asked me to warn them next time. They were young, female and as naked as the rest of us. Who could refuse? So I duly told them on the next occasion. They said "hold it while we set the camera up and check the exposure. I did, with difficulty. Then the camera rolled... . Who could object?

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RE:Call of nature

Im more than happy to be pissed on and to piss on others.

There are many videos of me pissing on line

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RE:Call of nature

Why do naturists object to seeing the call of nature? It is one of the most natural things we do. Even the Pope and his celibate brethren urinate. Anyone out on a long hike will, sooner or later, feel the need to water the vegetation. I was on a big nude hike last summer which was being filmed for a documentary. When I went to relieve myself the camera crew asked me to warn them next time. They were young, female and as naked as the rest of us. Who could refuse? So I duly told them on the next occasion. They said "hold it while we set the camera up and check the exposure. I did, with difficulty. Then the camera rolled... . Who could object?

Short answer is that the natural human being most particularly with respect to waste production and excretion has been the subject of repeated historical social and religious (in particular) regulation as a subject of discourse and as an act both public and private, and deep rooted social stigmas exist. Being a naturist doesn't inherently change those attitudes, nor is the philosophy itself to the embodied self oriented, it's much more about the spirit and a sense of an almost moral or towards the good oriented coherence with nature and the self.

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RE:Call of nature

I really enjoy being pissed on. I have been to many piss parties....all male. It is great!

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RE:Call of nature

so nice i love being a human urinal for men, and yesterday a top who was fucking me had to piss after he nutted so he just filled my hole up god it felt so nice his hot piss flowing into my guts...he left a happy man...

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RE:Call of nature

Sounds hot having more than one pissing on me. Would love that to happen. Have only had one on one a couple of times. Would also like to drink from the tap.

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RE:Call of nature

Why would they object to watching you puke or take a shit? Some things are just not pleasant to watch.

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RE:Call of nature

I agree.

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