FMF Threesomes
This group is for those who have had threesomes or would like to try threesomes comprising of two ladies and a guy.
looking for ladies in Cebu City/Phils
there are interested ladies or girlfriends, who like FMF? Age is not important.
Some of the people on this site are weird....
Apparently, someone flagged one of WyOsas' pics that was in this group. It was a very hot pic, and it had one of their faces in it.
Looking for a main pic.
If you would like one of your pics used to represent the group, please post a pic of a FMF threesome pic and let me know that you would like it used.
Watching two ladies play is always fun, so...
a threesome with two ladies sounds like a lot of fun... I also enjoy licking women's vaginas so much it would be a blast to go back and forth between two women with my tongue.