Edging Penis
A group for men who love to edge. Themselves. Someone else. throbbing greasy penis for hours
Return to DiscussionsSo whats the longest anyone here has edged? My record, being tied down, was 3 hours, followed by being forced to cum 3 times before being released.
- 4 years ago
I am currently edging and have been for 3 days. I lay in the sun and stroke my cock. I have been watching porn and playing with my toys. Last night I put on a G-string and a long wind breaker and drove down to the local Adult movie theater and hung out there for awhile. Actually had fun the guy that works at night loved what I was wearing and let me in free. Not very many people in the place so he came in and got me buzzed and sucked my cock but I did not cum. I am meeting him again at closing and we are going to party tonight. Forgive me I am rambling. I love edging! I can jackoff and cum in a couple of minutes not really any fun. I want to be hard for hours and longer. By the way new to the group and I want to edge with all of you.
- 4 years ago
My longest about 23 hours of oiled up stroking. Porn, cam, horny chat, erotic stories. Looking at all the horny guys on here. Hard electrode nipple
Play. Instant hard on. Love it. Currently edgin for 5/6 hours with dildo fun thrown in on cam. Sleazy talk watchin each other and when he shot his huge load everywhere. I slammed my ass harder down on it. Current porn is Nextdoorraw fuck these guys are hot. So Im set for 24 hours
- 3 years ago
I often edge on and off for several hours a day. Sometimes on cam, watching porn or just checking email.
Same here. And ts profiles on here too, and if Im honest, your profile Ive enjoyed several times.
- 3 years ago