Cut Men For Uncut

Are you a cut male and have a foreskin fetish and love uncut males? Or vice versa - are you an uncut male, totally fascinated by the proud nakedness of a cut male's exposed Mushroom head? This group is for you.

Uncut. South wales UK

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Hi, uncut here, pretty long forskin, am considering being cut, but still not sure, intetrsted to chat with other guys regarding having, or not having a forskin.
South wales nudist here, love the lifestyle, doing most things naked after going more full time about 5 yrs aho, from nude chores, excercise, and sports.
Happy to chat, and make new friends.
Best wishes all.

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RE:Uncut. South wales UK

as a cut guy since birth and who has played and sucked guys uncut cocks Don't do it , you are so lucky to have your foreskin. guys would line up to frot with you , play with and suck and lick your uncut cock.

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RE:Uncut. South wales UK

Hi, its been a serious consideration for over a year, im still.on fence about it.
Its nice to get your feed back and view, i apprecite you writing.

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