Curious Men And Women...
This group is for guys and girls who are stuck in the middle of their sexuality. Are we straight... Are we gay? Are we bi? Share some experiences on how you went from straight to bi or bi-curious, or even gay? How did you know your sexuality? How did you introduce being bi-curious or bi-sexual into your relationship? Share with us your experiences on introducing the bi life into the bedroom......
Call of Nature
Return to DiscussionsWhy do naturists object to seeing a call of nature?
We all know that hikers can be caught out and sometimes have to water the ground to relieve themselves. Last summer I was on a week's naked hike with a large group of fellow nudists. It was being filmed for a documentary, the film crew being twoattractive and equally naked young ladies. Who could refuse them a request? As I stopped for a pee one of them said she was compiling a collection of films of urinating nude men, could I tell her next time I wanted a pee. In due course I was bursting and tipped her off. "Hold it" she said "while I set up the camera and checkthe exposure". I did, then the camera rolled... Who could object? I wonder what will happen to the film.
I remember being filmed with a big group of naked hikers one summer. The film crew were both women and naked too. I stopped at the side for a pee, only to hear that the camera girl was interested in men peeing. The next time I wanted a pee I was to tell them. Inevitably there was another call of nature on this long hike. I told them. They said "hold it", moved me into position for the best camera angle, checked the exposure and called "ACTION". What a relief! That footage didn't appear in the final film - not the published one anyhow. So no record of the event. But here is a pee shot from another hike.