Couchsurfing For Swingers

Be a host or surf a couch. Place to find swinger host and have nice fun time while travelling.

In Phoenix

We have a guest room, futon, and couch available for other male nudists/swingers. Enjoy hosting and traveling inexpensive way to travel !!

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West Midlands

In the next few weeks I am moving to a new property. It is located in the countryside but only 9 miles from Birmingham City Centre. I will have spare rooms available fornaturists/swingers etc. You will be free to remain naturist around the house and...

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hello there all you couch surfers. i have an extra bed room for any body traveing thru area. i am out in the country and will also give free meal and even a bed time snack. just let me know a few days in advance. Raymond

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Quick Europe trip in September

I'm going on a quick 2 week trip to Germany and Belgium from 2Sept to 15Sept and looking for hosts in Hamburg, Cologne and Dusseldorf. Ich auch spreche Deutsch. I'm a very active member of Couchsurfing here in San Diego and my couch is...

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