Communal Showers - A Resource
A list of gyms, leisure centres, public buildings etc that have communal showers. Do you know somewhere? List it, upload and pics and let's share.
The first time in a group shower was when I was 12 years old and I was on a school trip for a week where we had to take a group shower together I was very shy when in the shower only me and another guy was starting to get hair around our cocks. I...
Is there any showers or spas or anyplace where men may get naked together?
Hello...does anyone have any information about places with communal showers or Russian/ Korean baths in the Phoenix AZ area? Members of LA Fitness, all have seperate shower stalls with doors or curtains...and there is for the most part a real...
I'm pleased to see communal showers at nudist resorts. They also have cubicles for anyone who is shy. Why? Everyone is naked anyhow. (I uploaded a photo of myself in one. Will you see it?)
Over the summer I plan to tour the UK and would be nice to bare all in any communal showers I encounter. But where are they?