Cock Rings
This is a group for TS members both, guys and girls, who are interested in cock rings. Please post your pictures of your cock or partner's cock with a cock ring fitted..
Types of Cock Rings
Return to DiscussionsI have several different sizes of silicone cock rings that can be stretched over your cock and balls which I like. I have never tried a fixed size metal ring, has anybody else tried both and which do you prefer and why?
- 12 years ago
Tried all sorts, metal, leather, rubber,etc, tend to go back to well fitting solid metal ones most of the time!
- 12 years ago
The cock ring I have is the one you stretch over you cock and balls - fits well and I find very comfortable.
would like to add a picture of me wearing my cock ring but not sure how to do it
- 12 years ago
Click Photos, then you will see a button that says upload.
I put one on of my cock and the TS police has deleted it!
Funny how some photos are approved and others are deleted...
- 12 years ago
I added two pictures of my cock with cock rings on will be interested to see how long they last
- 12 years ago
Have been a cock and ball ring wearer for 30 years. I've tried them all, chrome, rubber, neoprene, silicone, leather with snaps, split-collar. All are effective, but find for extended wear silicone work best for me. Have not been able to upload any photos, but will gladly send photos of my ringed cock and balls to anyone interested. Bob
- 12 years ago
I've never tried a cock ring but recently I have been using my new invention.
one elasticated band and attach a small split-ring. Secure a small
spring-clip to the split-ring. Now stretch the band over your scrotum
and pull above your testicle (one at a time). You can now hang your
mobile/cell phone between your legs, secure your earphones and listen to
music as you wander naked through the countryside or along the nudist
beach. You could also secure a packet of cigarettes in the same manner.
Be careful when sitting down !
It might take some time to
get used to something else dangling between your legs, but I have
carried a bottle of Coke in the same manner.
- 12 years ago
Sorry Guys and Girls
I will keep trying to approve, but the powers that be, remove them almost as fast as you upload them.. mine lasted a couple of hours..
May need to include a face shot as the rules state to get them on here...
- 12 years ago
I have several cock rings that I rotate through, leather straps, rubber rings, silver rings, metal rings and clamps. Like all of you, I do have my favorite as so does my wife. I seem to always go back to a solid brass ring that fits snuggly around my balls and cock. I like the weight and feel and is very comfortable for long wear periods and when I have to go textile. I do wish more nudist clubs were not so restrictive in their policy. It does seem that women's genital jewelry is much more acceptable that a guy with a ring. Anyway, I'll post some photos and see if the police allow them to stay. Heck, i'm even surprised the thread has remained this long. LOLThe ladies of TS......... What are yourlikes/dislikes on men wearing rings. Be honest, I think we'd all appreciate the truth. For one, my wife enjoys seeing me wearing a ring and has even picked out a few when we were shopping. Love to hear all your ideas.
- 12 years ago
I added two pictures of my cock with cock rings on will be interested to see how long they lastWell I've posted several photos of my cock even is showing me holding one in my hand to show size and width. The prick police must have thought it was too sexy. LOL Go figure, you'd think a site with TS in mind and movies and photos of sex being shown wouldn't mind a few penises being shown. Oh well, maybe some day.
- 12 years ago
The TS police have deleted all pictures of cocks with rings on, even one that was non errect and a full body picture including face being shown which makes no sense as it goes way beyond meeting all the rules....
- 12 years ago