Cock Hanging Out

I love to see guys with their pants on and their cock hanging out of their fly- cock either hard or soft! post your favourite pic/s of guys with their cock hanging out

Sorta Hanging Out!

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In Summers I enjoy wearing very short cargo shorts I cut to just barely covering my penis when standing. I wear no unders.

As I use public transport, this is so easy to sit and play with my penis, getting very long and hard. So far I've not ejaculated this way, but . . .

Love this stimulating to make taking the buss much, much more enjoyable!!

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RE:Sorta Hanging Out!

I always wear shorts in the summer that can allow me to show it off. Then any time I sit down (restaurant, food court, etc.) it can stick out a little and my balls can lay on the seat, It's a great feeling, but I don't know if I've ever been seen.

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RE:Sorta Hanging Out!

i always go commando under my cotton gym shorts as like the feel of the fabric on my cock head as I walk-Bill

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RE:Sorta Hanging Out!

Oh, you would have been noticed. I, too, love to wear shorts with very short inseams with wide leg holes that show off my cock and balls when I sit down, crouch, or bend over. I would wear such shorts to parks known for cruising and I would sit on a picnic table showing off to all who happened by. It was always a great ice breaker and many guys would stop by if for nothing else to just reach over and fondle my cock and balls. Whenever anyone stopped to chat I knew that they were checking out my cock so I would casually fondle and stroke myself while they watched. Getting out of my car always completely exposed me and i would have to adjust my shorts to cover myself. I would plan my exits from my car accordingly.

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RE:Sorta Hanging Out!

So much fun doing this! In NZ we have rugby shorts, which are already very short. No underwear means that cock and balls pop out very easily too. Very good for mowing Lawns working under the car etc, and showing my cock to people in random places "accidentally!" Did this to a cute girl in a takeaways waiting for dinner once. We started chatting and she took me home for the night!

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