Circumcised And Uncircumcised Cocks
For all members who like.....Just post your cock pictures.
I have serviced many hundreds of penises with my mouth over the past many years. Of course, I have enjoyed a large number of uncut cocks. One difference I have observed between uncircumcised penises and those that are cut is the degree of moistness...
I so wish I had never been cut , who gave them permission I suppose a lot of us who are cut but admire and wish we were uncut say that just as many who are cut are thankful they are snipped but I still think it should be illegal and only the owner...
Anyone want to show mushroom penis heads on Skype tonight?
I enjoy the look of a circumcised penis and enjoy seeing them on my nudist buds. If a buddy is uncut, I like him to pull back the foreskin and show off his glans to me. Does anyone else really get into the sight and attraction of a large mushroom...
Welcome to Belgrade, Serbia! I can host in my cozy apartment in downtown Belgrade. I am most of the time naked indoors at my place. If you have a couchsurfing profile mine is For all free spirit...