Circumcised And Uncircumcised Cocks
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Return to DiscussionsI am uncut and have always wanted to be cut, I am 66 years young and finally yesterday I went to see a specialist and the job is booked in for 15 March and I can't wait. I have pulled back the foreskin for years and worn it that way and going commando I love the feel of that so OFF comes the skin and a new look cock.
I am uncut and have always wanted to be cut, I am 66 years young and finally yesterday I went to see a specialist and the job is booked in for 15 March and I can't wait. I have pulled back the foreskin for years and worn it that way and going commando I love the feel of that so OFF comes the skin and a new look cock.
And here I am cut and I wish I had foreskin.
I was cut at birth, and I'm currently doing the stretching to restore the foreskin. After 66 years of exposure, the skin on the head is dry and a little hard, and has lost a lot of sensitivity. From what I've read, restoring the foreskin will get rid of the dried and hardened skin on the head and restore some of the sensitivity. It's a long slow process, but I'm looking forward to getting some feeling back.
I also much prefer uncut men. So much more fun and natural. I am uncut and thanked my parents many times that I was not circumcised at birth. It is a barbaric practice and totally unnecessary in most cases.
However, at least you are making this decision of your own accord and if thats what you want to do then that is your decision. I only hope you dont regret it later. Good luck!