Circumcised And Uncircumcised Cocks
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Looking for someone with a big uncircumsized cock and ample foreskin to dock with my big mushroom-head thick cut cock.
Return to DiscussionsIt would feel so great to pull a big foreskin over my cock and masturbate until we both cum. Fuck sex toys; let's use each other. Any takers?
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- 2 years ago
RE:Looking for someone with a big uncircumsized cock and ample foreskin to dock with my big mushroom-head thick cut cock.
i have a very big oversized foreskin. you may say i have foreskin for 2. love to dock circumcised cock. my skype is theboy066
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- a year ago
RE:Looking for someone with a big uncircumsized cock and ample foreskin to dock with my big mushroom-head thick cut cock.
i have a very big oversized foreskin. you may say i have foreskin for 2. love to dock circumcised cock. my skype is theboy066
This post was edited Invalid date
- a year ago
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