Circumcised And Uncircumcised Cocks
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Return to DiscussionsI am uncut and have always wanted to be cut, I am 66 years young and finally yesterday I went to see a specialist and the job is booked in for 15 March and I can't wait. I have pulled back the foreskin for years and worn it that way and going commando I love the feel of that so OFF comes the skin and a new look cock.
If you regret the way it feels, you can't go back & ur not supposed to masturbate or have sex for 6 weeks or more, until it heals. It's a very Painful recovery process! The Doc will lie to you about that!! I also read in Men's Health Magazine several years ago, there was a man about 40y.o. that wanted to look like everyone else bc so much of society was circumcised, that he Decided to be also, but after he got circumcised he was Very Unhappy about the way it made his manhood feel. He said & compared it to going from driving a Cadillac to driving a Toyota. It made him feel terrible & he wished he never got circumcised, but it was too late, the damage had been done & he couldn't turn back then or get his real foreskin back! Let this be a testament & real story for all to hear & remember deeply & wholeheartedly & not take it lightly.