Circumcised And Uncircumcised Cocks

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Uncut back or forward?

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Do you prefer to see foreskin back or forwards?

How are these

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RE:Uncut back or forward?

Both are nice to look at!!..everyone is different some like to have the foreskin hanging over the gland other like to have it pulled back!!

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RE:Uncut back or forward?

I like the look of a hanging foreskin!!

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RE:Uncut back or forward?

Tho I prefer it back, I like any cock that is accessible

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RE:Uncut back or forward?

I like to wear my foreskin rolled back. I love the feeling of my head exposed. I like to roll it back when wearing a jockstrap and cockring. All uncut cocks look good either way though.

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RE:Uncut back or forward?

I've restored my foreskin so I can wear it back or forward, but always choose forward!

Figured that was what the name meant, how long did it take and would you recommend it?

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RE:Uncut back or forward?

Do you prefer to see foreskin back or forwards?How are these


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