Affectionate Man-on-man Sex
The name says it all - a group for guys who are into man-on-man kissing, stroking, touching, massage, soft licking, body hugging (face to face or from behind) and cuddling, before during and after love making, whether with a partner or in a three-or-more group... Nothing makes a play session hotter, more fun and intimate than the open, sexual affection between masculine mates ! :0)
What do you like the most ?
Return to DiscussionsI would say kissing is my most enjoyable affection with a guy...! A whole hot sex session can develop from just one well-timed, passionate open mouth (tongues touching) smooch ! :0))
Then again, completely naked body hugs are just as passionate and very arousing ! Bare skin on skin feeling, all masculine body parts touching, feeling each other's male bodies ... Chest, tummy , pubes, dicks and balls, and legs/thighs touching and rubbing...head on each other's shoulder, closing your eyes, feeling each other's heart beat... Hands exploring ... Wow!
- 13 years ago
I love the mutual exploring of each others body with lips and tongue, especially the navel, cock, balls and all of the ass. mmmmmm
- 13 years ago
a well timed and placed kiss can do so much to start things happening
- 13 years ago
i save kissing mouth to mouth for only those special guys, but anything else is fair game. one of the hottest times i ever had was with a guy that wouldn't fuck, but he had no problem standing behind me and rubbing his hard cock on my ass while kissing my neck and rubbing his fur covered chest against my back. i grabbed his cock between my legs and held it against the area between my puckered anus and my balls and he humped away until he filled my hand and i shot off without touching myself all over the carpet.
- 13 years ago
I have to agree with all of the above but that special deep passionate kiss is for the special few when looking deep in each others eyes, hope to have that experience with a few on here, not much luck
- 13 years ago
I'm with Golemsa 100%. To me it's not all about getting to the orgasm - it's the slow, sensual build up to it.
- 13 years ago
- 13 years ago
I love deep kissing too. The kind where you feel possessed by your partner. Even better if his cock is deep inside me.
- 12 years ago
Lot's of hot comments, I like the touch myself a caress can become a massage in more then one place
- 12 years ago
Wow that would be awesome , gree ..! Thanks for offering, i would enjoy experiencing it with you too !!
Nice story there about your beach experience ... ! But for me, i like to be affectionate with a man anywhere , anytime haha ! In this crazy , highly professional work world we live in, the best thing i want in life is to come home to a loving mate, strip down naked with him, and being vulnerable, and held and kissed and caressed by him ... Affection with a loving man is how i would like to live, and its the fastest way to get my boner to get rock rock hard too hehehe!
- 12 years ago