Adult Theaters

A group for those that enjoy Adult Theaters, Adult Book Stores, arcade or what ever they go by! Post your experiences, post your knowledge of their location or anything along the subject!

Anyone know of booths with a buddy window? While a gloryhole is great, sometimes its fun to just lean back and masterbate for someone to watch or to watch someone else

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  • 5 years ago
RE:Buddy window?

absolutely agree. Sadly, I've only found a couple places over the years with buddy windows. Is there a peeps you frequent?

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  • 5 years ago
RE:Buddy window?

Anyone know of booths with a buddy window? While a gloryhole is great, sometimes its fun to just lean back and masterbate for someone to watch or to watch someone else

I just leave doors open or find me a chair and pull up to a wall drop trousers and wank it for the audience.

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  • 3 years ago