Arizona Gay And Bi Men

Absolutely no PRIVATE PROFILES and NO PROFILES WITHOUT A NAKED PICTURE OF YOU !!! . This is a group for AZ GAY and BI nudist MEN to meet, and hopefully GET TOGETHER for fun of all types.So if you live in AZ, or winter here or visit frequently we hope you'll join the group. We enjoy hosting, private back yard with pool. We would also hope some of you would like to host too. It would be a good...

Perfect naked and pool weather... happy to host, drop us a line if you're interested in joining us. Maybe we can get a group together?
Let us know

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RE:Hello Guys

I would join you guys if I didnt live so far away..enjoy your summer !!

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RE:Hello Guys

Hi Mark and Dan,

I would be interested in joining your pool party, what do you want me to bring for the get together?

Naked Hugs,


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RE:Hello Guys

Roy, you're the only one that has responded so far. If we get others interested we'll set a date and time.
Mark and Dan

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RE:Hello Guys

You know you guys are always welcome... you've done a lot of traveling this Summer, sounds like a lot of fun!! Let us know when you're free. Looks like the pool season is going to be pretty long this year!!

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