Catbird both sites
My user name is Catbird on both TrueNudists and TrueSwingers. I have been with TrueNudists is so long that I don't remember when I joined. But I just joined TrueSwingers on June 18, 2015, having never heard of True Swingers until the day before.
Years ago on the TrueNudist site, it was a problem on forums and in chat that some people were posting messages that are inappropriate for a nudist only site. At that time, some people did get flagged. However today, I have not seen any risque items on the TrueNudists site for quite a while. Perhaps that is because those who were guilty years ago have switched to websites, such as TrueSwingers, where that is allowed.
I look forward to fellowship with those who are somewhat inclined. There is a place for swinger chat and a place for non-sexual nudist chat. Yes I feel inspired while nude in a non-nudist setting, but I too have a sex life.
- 10 years ago