Advice on undetectable
If a pos man faithfully takes meds and is undetectable, am I, a neg man, sane in taking his cock bare?
- 10 years ago
I personally wouldn't
- 10 years ago
Undetectable only means he was on that day of the test, which takes some time to get results.. It doesn't mean that they aren't still HIV+..
- 9 years ago
If a pos man faithfully takes meds and is undetectable, am I, a neg man, sane in taking his cock bare?
Yes and no.
My boyfriend is hiv+ and im hiv-, we do BB the last 6 years and im never got hiv+. (Im top he is Bottom). We has bin in a studies for 3 years, here in DK, but it goes all EU around. And the result is, that if you REALLY now that the persons hiv+ is undetectable and he takes the medicine everyday, he will not infection you. As they say at the hospital, you will be more safe whit your boyfriend, than if you fuck a guy that tell you that he is hiv-.
But but but... you have to trust that person that is hiv+ and know it for 100 % that he take his medicine everyday.
- 9 years ago
If a pos man faithfully takes meds and is undetectable, am I, a neg man, sane in taking his cock bare?
you barely run a risk compared to a lot of other fucking BB not knowing their status
- 9 years ago
If a pos man faithfully takes meds and is undetectable, am I, a neg man, sane in taking his cock bare?
No, you're not. I want to initilize good discussions in my group Undetectable HIV poz.
- 9 years ago
Undetectable only means he was on that day of the test, which takes some time to get results.. It doesn't mean that they aren't still HIV+..
I am HIV+, on medication (one pill a day) and virusfree. No likely chance of infecting.
- 9 years ago
Wow very interesting the "genetic testing of the HIV strain" part
- 9 years ago
Go to the CDC website and read their stats. If memory serves, they say that HIV+, undetectable and med compliant is 98% safe. A condom is only 80% safe.Get on PrEP anyway if you are negative. It is easy and safe and will be the end of HIV if everyone actually does it.
- 9 years ago
But also keep this in mind.... with the increase use of PreP and more folks who are HIV+ and undetectable, more people are forgoing the use of condoms. Is it a coincidence that the incidence of other STDs is galloping skyward?
- 9 years ago
Undetectable means untransmittable. there has to be virus present in his blood and semen and undetectable means zero with the testing we have today, based on the knowledge of 30+ years of study, culminating in now over 15,000 serodiscordant couples showing zero cases of transmission where the protocol was followed . HIV+ means "has antibodies to the HIV virus" antibodies are an immune response and NOT a virus themselves. Being positive means your immune system has been exposed to the virus. It does not mean you can transmit. To transmit, you must have a significant viral load (that is copies of the virus in your bloodstream, an amount that is even larger for transmission via seminal fluid because virus doesn't show up there immediately), and a partner who is willing to forgo safer sex.
If you like raw sex, you are taking a risk. You cannot mitigate or reduce that risk by sero sorting your partners according to who says they are "neg". That's because men lie, and the status is only as good as your last test, with no sex or other risk indicated activity in between. The sane thing to do is not trust guys who (statistically speaking) are both unaware or deceptive about status and who are by far and away the largest group where transmission is occuring still.
- 6 years ago