Tell us your experience in a Swinger gay party

We will like you to tell us your experience about being in a Swinger gay party.
What the place looks like?
There a nice houses as you can find in a Swinger party?
How you was invited to this party?
Thanks for your collaboration.

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  • 11 years ago
RE:Tell us your experience in a Swinger gay party

Some years ago when I lived just outside of Chicago, I used to attend a gay gathering that was held at a private condo in a large complex that had plenty of parking. The addition of another 40-100 cars didn't bring any undue attention like it would if such events were held in a residential area or a motel parking lot. There was already hundreds of cars there. The gathering was held twice a week. Every Tuesday and every Friday invited men would come to the condo , get completely bareass naked, watch gay porno and play with each other. The host gave everyone a black garbage bag to put their clothes in. Tuesday hours were from 2 in the afternoon until 6:00 in the evening and Friday hours were from 6:00 in the evening until midnight. Anywhere from 30 to 60 guys would attend on Tuesdays with the peak being about 50 guys on busy nights and around 80 to 100 guys would attend on Friday evenings with the peak being around 90 guys. The guys would come and go . Some would stay an hour or two, Others would stay for the whole event. Every guy had been pre approved. No one could even bring a guest. The host accepted a $10.00 donation to cover for the refreshments and some snacks. The only rules were that you had to be naked the whole time you were there, you could not refuse anyone who wanted to fondle your cock and balls or who wanted to suck your cock, lick your ass and balls. You could limit the amount of time anyone could play with you because ,obviously, the guys wanted to pace themselves. No cameras were allowed. Everyone was primarily in a one room LR-DR area, one small kitchen and one bedroom. There was one bathroom. I liked to sit on the edge of the tub that was beside the toilet and hold the guy's cocks on they peed. There was no privacy. Everything was out in the open . An untold number of guys would be watching you as you were licking ass or sucking cock. In same areas you were rubbing against naked bodies on all sides of you. I would usually attend every other Tuesday and every other Friday so I would be going at least once a week. I would suck as many cocks as I could. Usually, I would have upwards to 25 - 30 cocks in my mouth during the course of the gathering. I would have fondled another 20-30 cocks during that time. The men were from 20 to 70 years old. I liked to suck an older guy and a younger guy at the same time. Sometimes, I would be on my knees and have 3 guys in front of me poking their hard cocks into my face. I would go early and stay late. Most of the men were bisexual and many were married. Really, only a few were strictly gay. There was a set of twins who would occasionally show up and another set of brothers. I loved sucking their cocks at the same time. My cock would get fondled dozens of times and about 15-20 guys would suck my cock over the course of the evening. I was so busy sucking cocks that it limited the amount of time that my cock was available to the other guys. I have a smooth, round ass that is basically hairless and guys liked to lick my asshole. There was some assfucking going on but that was limited to the bedroom. I didn't participate in the ass fucking but I would go in and play with the guy's balls as they were getting fucked or fucking someone. It was a small group of guys that were ass fucking. Most the the guys were there to suck and be sucked. I truly miss those gatherings. I don't even know if they still have them. They were held in Oak Lawn, Illinois.

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  • 4 years ago
RE:Tell us your experience in a Swinger gay party

Woww what a nice place to be

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  • a year ago