
What is status of spouse and your nudism? Do they everPartake? Do they know you do?

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RE: Situation?

My wife knows I like to be nude, I am most of the time unless it's uncomfortabe (cold weather) or we are keeping my aged mother. She's good with me visiting the nude beach and a nearby resort. Any other activities I keep discrete.

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RE: Situation?

I'm in about the same situation as AzZNude. Asked her several years ago if she'd like to try a clothing-optional place and got shot down so badly i never asked again. So I find ways to do social nudity things now and then (such as a yoga class that's all male and done nude). Discretion its a must for any swinging as well.

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RE: Situation?

Pretty much in same position as all others. Wife, though a beautiful mature, and lets me take candid nude pics of her, would not even consider. I have tried to raise discreetly but she will not have it or so it seems. Have had some near experiences which I thought might help with convincing, but did not. I have to be very discrete in searching out and doing what i really want to do.

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RE: Situation?

My wife knows I like to be nude, I am most of the time unless it's uncomfortabe (cold weather) or we are keeping my aged mother. She's good with me visiting the nude beach and a nearby resort. Any other activities I keep discrete.

I am nude around her in the house all the time and at times, like during the summer she will be nude with me. We both sleep naked now too. She lets me go to nude resorts by myself but doesn't really know I'm BI, although she suspects me of that

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RE: Situation?

my wife is not a nudist only ever tried it half a dozen times ,she didn't like it she knows I go to nudist beach and dos nt mind but carnt understand why I like it,any thing that happens at beach stays at the beach I also like going on woodland walks naked.

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RE: Situation?

Nudism = sex. Well, actually, nuSdEiXsm.

That is my boss'--er--wife's attitude, and for me to be naked at the table, while watching TV alone or with her, is on the verge of evil, heresy, and outright badness. I still go naked, and she (barely) tolerates it.

I don't go to any public venues; indeed, I don't even go out into our back yard unless she's literally out of town.

Yes, nudity can become sexual. Same with textile. But it's just a real pain in the tookus that she's so much holier than I. I've not seen her walk on water, though. ;)

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My wife doesnt mind me being nude and was ok with me being nude outdoors on a private beach a few months ago.
While she doesnt see it as a directly sexual thing, she does see it as an intimate personal thing and doesnt want either of us being publicly nude.
I agree it doesnt have to be sexual (though I like it being), dont have to see it as an intimate personal thing and greatly enjoy it in public (resorts/campgrounds). Therefore I must - as several others have said - keep it discreet.

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My wife knows I'm nude on beaches and at home when she goes out. I sleep nude and go to bed and get up nude. But she doesn't like me to be nude normally when she is around. However recently we were on holiday and I spent quite a lot of my time nude in the room. Also I sat nude on our balcony, which wasn't overlooked and had sun on it late afternoon. I was quite surprised that she didn't object.

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My wife does not know that I love being nude . She would really be mad if she found out.

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She likes to be nude on vacation. We always go to FKK campings. Also sauna she likes. She doesn't know I am bisexual and sometimes visit gaysaunas and have sex with men. I like to keep it like it is.

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