more on foreskin restoration
The medicine underlying foreskin restoration is this: when tissue is put under gentle tension this causes cell growth. That explains how we can have skin on our body, and grow from children to adults without having stretch marks (at least, generally speaking.) Other places where tissue expansion is used includes procedures like when women have breast enlargement. Often the process will begin some months earlier with the surgeon inserting a pouch at the base of the breasts. Over time, the pouch is inflated with saline solution and the margins of the breasts produce more cells. Eventually the tissue has expanded to the point where a larger silicon insert can be inserted below the breast tissues and give a natural-appearing breast.
With FR, men apply tension along the length of the penis. This can be done a number of different way, but the end result is that the shaft skin grows longer and forms an artificial foreskin. Since the tissue generation process includes the underlying muscle tissues, once long enough the skin begins to behave like the original foreskin.
The one thing missing from this is the frenulum. Most men have lost that small band of tissue that holds a real foreskin in place covering the glans.