Visiting London UK March 17 to March 29. Staying in Central London

I'm interested in chatting with anyone in London who loves barebacking. I'm bisexual and love m/f, mfm, and m/m (including transguys) play I top and I bottom.

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RE:Visiting London UK March 17 to March 29. Staying in Central London

I live in the London area so maybe we can meet up, but to be honest there;s lots of clubs and saunas where guys bareback, nearly all gay and bi men are on prep, we get it for free on the NHS, I'm now having the sex I've been unable to have for almost 40 years

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RE:Visiting London UK March 17 to March 29. Staying in Central London

I used to live in London and went to the pleasure dome on South Bank to enjoy sex

I would recommend it and hopefully it is still operating

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