Too easy
How easy is it to flag someone just for fun, or maliciously, and without good cause? Does anybody check grounds for flagging or is it a case of guilty till proved innocent?
I remember when two popular ladies were kicked out of TrueNudists after they had been repetedly flagged. After a campeign from fellow members the site admin investigated and descovered that it was a malicious conspiracy by jelous people. They were reinstated and the flaggers expelled. At that time members were expelled from TN automattically after repeated flaggings without any questions or explanation. They changed things there in TN. But is it still automattic here?
I'm asking this bacause a friend, a sexy and attractive lady, (Isabella74, previously Morrigan) was kicked out for having a false identity. Nothing could have been further from the truth. I agreed to help her. As I did I found myself flagged three times in 24 hours, with the warning I could be kicked out.
- 12 years ago