Did this long ago, Want to do it again.

About 20 years ago when I was out of work I did some nude modeling among other nude things for money. I was in very good shape then. Most of the times it was mixed co-ed classes, but did a few for individuals both men and women. I truly enjoyed it and now that I don't work anymore I would like to get back into it. First, I want to get in better shape, not that I would have a problem being drawn or photographed nude now, I just use it as an incentive to work out more. Back when I was doing it I found a few opportunities on Craigslist. One time I answered an ad for a physically fit nude male model for a women's drawing group. They got back to me and said I was a bit older than what they were looking for but wanted to meet me anyway. They were being cautious (smart) not wanting to connect with a serial rapist or something. They wanted to meet me at Haulover beach. I was instructed to be at a certain place and time and to be nude. I also had to consent to having my picture taken. I agreed to it all and when the meeting took place there were 4 women, about my age or a little younger at the time. When we met they all commented about how good shape I was in and said they were interested. We discussed a few things and then they said they wanted to take a few pictures of me.They said I could put a swimsuit on for the pics and when I replied that it was not necessary I think that cemented the deal.
The first time I went to their group there were 12 women there mostly in the 30-45 age group. They would draw me in various tasteful poses and we would take occasional breaks. During the break, I would get a glass of water and stretch a bit. On the second break one of the women said that I was the first model they had that did not put a robe or shorts on during the break. I kind of shrugged my shoulders and said "Do I really need to hide anything. They laughed and said "Now that you think of it, it is pretty funny for a nude model to cover up for breaks". At the end of the session a couple of the women were frustrated that they did not finish. I told them if they wanted to take pictures I would hold the pose for a few extra minutes. Most of them took pics.
I did several other ones for individuals, mostly men including one when I was in Buffalo, NY. That is one of the few that I have pictures of the drawings.
I actually am still on the email list for one of the local drawing class teachers. Once I lose a few more pounds I may contact him.
I guess the thing I like best is having my nude body the center of attention.

This topic was edited 3 years ago
  • 3 years ago
RE:Did this long ago, Want to do it again.

I did the modeling for the art class last night. Really enjoyed it and the instructor and artists said I did a good job and would like me back. At the end of the session I had to hold a pose for 45 minutes. I was actually able to do that. The artwork was very good in different styles. At the end of the class they said I could take pictures of the artwork and one of the artists said I could have the picture he did that I really liked.(attached) I was amazed at what these guys could do in 45 minutes. Hope to do this again on a semi regular basis.

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  • 3 years ago
RE:Did this long ago, Want to do it again.

I did the modeling for the art class last night. Really enjoyed it and the instructor and artists said I did a good job and would like me back. At the end of the session I had to hold a pose for 45 minutes. I was actually able to do that. The artwork was very good in different styles. At the end of the class they said I could take pictures of the artwork and one of the artists said I could have the picture he did that I really liked.(attached) I was amazed at what these guys could do in 45 minutes. Hope to do this again on a semi regular basis.

I'd love to get a seat in the artists circle and see what I can make for you.

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  • 3 years ago
RE:Did this long ago, Want to do it again.

Great to hear! I'm not brave enough to do nude modelling, but I admire those who do. The artists's drawing looks good too. Would be good to have drawn you myself.

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  • 3 years ago
RE:Did this long ago, Want to do it again.

I got called back for another session. It looks like I may be doing this a couple times a month. I am also checking out some referrals for other opportunities.

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  • 3 years ago
RE:Did this long ago, Want to do it again.

It seems that many more possibilities are opening up. I have a meeting in a couple weeks with an artist group that may be interested in me posing on a weekly basis. That class is currently 14 women and 6 men and involves drawing, painting and photography.This amazes me since I figured there would be no interest in a model my age. One of the artists explained it brutally honest. He said they would love the 20 something, horse hung, 6foot, 180 pound guy with the chiseled chest and six pack abs, but those guys are hard to find and the few that are available want big money. I don't think I would have done it when I was in my 20's either for risk of messing up career opportunities in the future. Now that I am retired I don't have to care who sees me nude.

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  • 3 years ago

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