New to this group but not freeballing
I have been freeballing for many years and love it, not sure how long but it's been a long time, I dont own any underwear anymore what's the point. One of the best feeling for me is when I wear thin material loose fitting short shorts were the wind or breeze can blow up my leg and around my cock and balls, sometimes pulling my foreskin back which causes extra sensation as my gland rubs against the material getting me aroused (semi erection), the added bonus when out walking you can see the shape of my penis quite clearly. when passing by others whilst out walking those walking towards me I know they can see my shape of my cock but can't say anything and I just give then a friendly greeting with a smile. When jogging up and down stairs I can feel everything swinging and bouncing about freely as it should be. Only down side is the mess I make inside my shorts or trousers from the pre-cum. sometimes.
Have you had the same feelings?
- 4 years ago
I have loved no cloths and when going anywhere in shorts I do not wear underwear. I wear loose short and when in the Barbados swimming shorts that have no lining ( I spend the winters there). I do like being able to just pull it to the left side -- I hang right == and then play with it a bit when on the beach (the house is right ont he beach)
but I have been known to 'show' in some of my shorts -- but I do not care. Like others I enjoy the slight rubbing action when I walk and if I want to rub my foreskin -- just one thin layer --so I can enjoy it even when in shorts.
- 9 months ago