Relatively hairy all over - but like smooth cock balls and underneath ... has anyone used "No Hair Crew" products for hair removal?
- 2 years ago
I started going smooth in Summer time because of the heat. Loved the feeling of no hair so I continued year round nowadays.
- 2 years ago
I am naturally smooth, have some peach fuzz but my hubby loves my hairless body lol
- 2 years ago
You look great smooth
- a year ago
I really like being totally bare. And it is a really hot one if I can see anther guy naked and shaved smooth.
- a year ago
Same here. Instant boner!,,
- a year ago
For me, a smooth shaved body looks best!
- a year ago
For me, I like a man to remains natural. And I don't mean natural as in hairy. I mean natural to who they are. If they are naturally more smooth, I can dig it. If they are naturally hairy, leave it.
When I was 35, I dated a guy who had played waterpolo at ucla just a few years prior. He was 25 at the time we dated.
He still shaved from his polo days. When we were in bed, or hugging at the beach or something, it wasn't real comfortable as stubble appeared. My chest and other areas would be a bit reddened by the scratchiness of the stubble.
He was totally sexy but if it was all going to be shaved, he needed to do it frequently enough to keep that stubble off. Which he started to be more aware of.
- 5 months ago
For me, I like a man to remains natural. And I don't mean natural as in hairy. I mean natural to who they are. If they are naturally more smooth, I can dig it. If they are naturally hairy, leave it.
When I was 35, I dated a guy who had played waterpolo at ucla just a few years prior. He was 25 at the time we dated.
He still shaved from his polo days. When we were in bed, or hugging at the beach or something, it wasn't real comfortable as stubble appeared. My chest and other areas would be a bit reddened by the scratchiness of the stubble.
He was totally sexy but if it was all going to be shaved, he needed to do it frequently enough to keep that stubble off. Which he started to be more aware of.
- 5 months ago
By me on page one:Smooth can look great but I'm happy with the trimmed look. Nothing is hidden when nude, but I don't stand out when in normal summer attire, which is fine but me.
After admiring many smooth bods here and on TN, I've upgraded a little to go smooth for the entire torso. I still keep my arms and legs trimmed (#2 seems the best), but in between I'm epilating about once a week. Loving how it feels.
- 5 months ago