Some one asked about my nude athlectic and workout activities, so...

] Yes, I run and or workout almost daily, and yes for most run workouts I'm nude as I am for all in-home workouts.
] Yes, I do nude yoga, co-ed groups only, I'm 100% hetero, so have no interest in male only nude activities.
] The roots of the modern word, gymnastics are: Greek, gymnasikos, Latin, gymnasticus; both meaning to exercise naked, nude.
] Yes, In USA, boys were required to be nude at HS pools, but not girls. In many US School Districts, boys PE classes and swim & water polo teams were required to be totally nude when using the pool facilities; supposedly because detergents used to wash swimwear messed up pool treatment chemicals, which is true, however, doing this period, girl were required to wear single-piece swimwear, only to be used at school and not laundered. I had no issues with the nude requirement, but always wanted the girls to be nude as well! I know, I was a swimmer and water polo player. This nude requirement, instead of being modified to include girls, sadly, was rescinded in all US Schools in the early to mid 1970's. Our first official Team Swimwear were issued in 1973, Speedo Brief Style. I believe I recently post some pics of me wearing that suit, back then, and some of me modeling my actual 1975 issued team Speedo, taken about a month ago.
] As far as safe locations, not sure what that means, the nude yoga sessions are held in a private property yoga-specific studio, and, I do nude workout runs on forest trails, when temp. is 48 Deg F or higher & no snow, on Forestry Dept Lands, simple nudity is legal there, but there is always a very real issue of confronting wild brown bears, which happens somewhat frequently. Our local brown bears are relatively docile, but running toward or past a bear is never a good idea...
] Yes, I do participate in nude running events; most are at nudist resorts and are 5K trail runs. I have also done the annual SF Bay-to-Breaker 12K several time, running fully nude, although it is a non-nude event.
] Yes, I do nude workout runs on beaches, whenever I'm down south, usually at night, to have unobstructed course, too many people during the day, unless it is a designated nude/optional beach, less crowded. I also do nude ocean swims, and run-swim-run workouts, depending upon water temp.
] NO, I do not know of any nude/optional public gyms in CA, although most nudist resorts have gyms and nude use is normal. Same goes for pool facilities, so, for pool workout at public gyms I wear a micro-brief or micro-thong providing absolute minimal legal coverage, and no drag.

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