Hail Satan!

Thanks to ALL members, New and long-time, for supporting and keeping our special group active!

Many swingers ask: Why Satan? Why Satanic worship? Actually, just like any religion or grouping of individuals, the reasons are many and diverse. Christians, Jews, and people from all faiths have their own personal concept on religion and God. If Atheist or non-believer, it's no different with their personalized beliefs, just minus the concept of God.

Therefore, Satanism is no different. Satanist come from different backgrounds, all with different view points on how, when and where/if we worship.

However, Satanism promotes, accepts and encourages sexual behavior and activities! This is what separates Satanist from many, if not all, religions. Most religions spend countless time and effort trying to discourage and penalize its followers for sexual activity. Satanism is totally opposite, completely open to free sexual expression!

Naturally, we're ALL here on this site for sex! Why not support and learn more about people whom don't care who you fuck? Satanism is about releasing the social and sexual chains and restrictions other religions impose and demand of people.

Again, we all have one common bond here; we like sex!!! Why not hang with people whom have escaped the religious sexual oppression?? Please consider joining the Satanic swingers and join the fun, open sexual freedom!!

Keep Fucking!

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  • 5 years ago

Fuck yes brother what a perfect way to explain the gifts Lord Satan has to offer. Lets meet as many people as we can and spread his evil perversions. Hail Satan!!!

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  • 5 years ago